POC Announcement
Rebuilding the Resilience Capacity of RECYCLING MONDO PLAST SRL through Sustainable Investments
Tax identification code 25832264, registered with the Trade Register under no. J03/873/2009, headquartered in ARGEŞ, Argeşelu locality, no. 74, announces the signing, on 27.12.2022, of Financing Contract no. 173/486/POC/4.1.1.BIS for the implementation of the project entitled "Rebuilding the Resilience Capacity of RECYCLING MONDO PLAST SRL through Sustainable Investments", related to SMIS Code 158659.
The project will be implemented in Argeşelu Village, Mărăcineni Commune no. 74D, Argeş County, through a non-reimbursable financing granted under the Operational Competitiveness Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 4 "Supporting the improvement of the effects caused by the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and preparing a green, digital, and resilient economic recovery", Investment Priority 4.1. "Supporting SMEs' capacity to grow in regional, national and international markets and engage in innovation processes", Action 4.1.1 BIS - "Investments in re-technologization in the construction sector". SC. RECYCLING MONDO PLAST SRL has concluded Financing Contract no. 173/486/POC/4.1.1.BIS with the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, as Managing Authority for the Operational Competitiveness Program 2014-2020. The total value of the project is 5,217,434.3300 Lei, of which 2,403,169.2300 Lei represents non-reimbursable financing. The general objective of the project is to ensure sustainable growth by making an initial investment to develop the business in the field related to CAEN Code 2221 - Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes, and profiles, which involves investments in high-performance equipment that ensures the quality of services and products at the level of existing standards on the national and international market, increasing the order portfolio and number of customers and utilizing the production capacities created by the implementation of this investment project in an optimal way. Specific objectives of the project include: consolidating the company by developing the activity in the field of manufacturing plastic plates, sheets, tubes, and profiles; acquiring new, state-of-the-art, and environmentally friendly equipment; increasing labor productivity in year 3 of sustainability by more than 15% compared to 2021 and achieving an average number of employees at least equal to that of 2021. Expected results of the project include:View here the original press release
Public Notice
regarding the submission of the environmental permit application
S.C. RECYCLING MONDO PLAST S.R.L. with headquarters in Maracineni commune, Argeselu village, no. 74D, Arges county, announces to the interested public the submission of the environmental permit application for the project "Restoration of resilience capacity of RECYCLING MONDO PLAST S.R.L." proposed to be implemented in Maracineni commune, Argeselu village, no. 74D, Arges county.
Information about the proposed project/presentation memorandum can be consulted at the headquarters of APM Arges, Pitesti city, Egalității street, no. 50A, Arges county, on weekdays between 8-13.
Public observations are received daily at the headquarters of APM Arges, Pitesti city, Egalității street, no. 50A, Arges county.
Information about the proposed project/presentation memorandum can be consulted at the headquarters of APM Arges, Pitesti city, Egalității street, no. 50A, Arges county, on weekdays between 8-13.
Public observations are received daily at the headquarters of APM Arges, Pitesti city, Egalității street, no. 50A, Arges county.